This path is a pleasant little oasis within a desert of famine and suffering. Many creatures
stop by for its resources and to rest in the midst of a tiring journey. Some choose to live
here, admiring its beauty and life-nurturing flora. In the FeyWalk, you can interact with
the environment, explore, and speak with its inhabitants. There is much to discover!
This game is intended to be played with the objective to find hidden things. Not everything
is obvious. Explore with the mouse. When you hover over something hidden, the cursor changes
into sparkles, as shown below. Then, click to see what you've found!
This experience is made to be viewed on a computer on fullscreen. This experience is not fully
debugged and will not work properly on all browsers and systems. Mobile devices will not work. Sound effects that
are intended are not currently available. Sorry about that. Finally, if you haven't already, make sure that your
browser is set to enable javascript.