about me

My name is Asher and I'm a 20-something year old art student and aspiring tattoo aritst currently based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I've been interested in coding html since 2023 and am using this site to host my portfolio along with an html project called Feyland.
I started doing stick and pokes in late 2024 and am always looking for more people who are interested in having my work tattooed on their bodies! As of right now (January 2025) I'm about to complete my senior year of college, so most of my focus is going towards thesis; but if you are interested and in the Milwaukee area, please contact me at my email (belangiaasher@gmail.com) or instagram (@feymarked).
"faeries take us to a land where wisdom is inseparable from whimsey, and where leprechauns dance with angels..." - Brian Froud
i love love love faeries and unicorns. i think that they are real, and they hide just out of sight. we must look closer in order to find them. but they won't always appear when we expect them to. they never willingly show themselves without a reason. be patient, keep looking...